As one of North America’s premier manufacturers of VRLA reserve power batteries, East Penn offers unmatched solutions for the demanding requirements of technical applications such as 5G/Wireline/Cable communications, data centers, switchgear, renewable energy, and other industries where uninterrupted power is critical. With over 70 years of experience, East Penn’s innovative Deka Sizing power reserve technologies deliver the most reliable backup power supply for essential business operations.
Talk to the Experts
East Penn Manufacturing Co. has developed the Deka Reserve Power Sizing Guides as a tool that can be used as a guideline to determine the final product selection. All battery selections should be forwarded to an East Penn representative for final approval before any product is ordered.
Get Educated
All users should understand IEEE standards for sizing batteries and the parameters that can affect the product selection. It is important to understand the use of an aging factor and how this affects the size of the battery selected. East Penn recommends that a minimum aging factor of 1.25 be used on all calculations to ensure that a battery is sized for end-of-life expectations. East Penn shall not be held liable for any damages including but not limited to personal injury, equipment damage, or loss of business profits that may occur as a result of using or the inability of using this software program.
UPS Sizing Guide (12-Volt)
Telecom / Switchgear Sizing Guide (12-Volt)
Telecom / UPS / Switchgear Sizing Guide (2-Volt)